least effort

英 [liːst ˈefət] 美 [liːst ˈefərt]

网络  省力原则; 省力; 埃弗特



  1. For example, by optimizing those functions that are called most often, you can get the greatest performance benefit from the least amount of effort.
  2. For fetching data from pureXML documents into Java beans, this approach is very likely the one that incurs least development effort, as it uses several pureQuery tools in Data Studio Developer.
  3. They'll also ensure that you spend the least amount of effort reworking a site, and the most amount of time improving it and keeping it working.
  4. Decompress and disconnect. This has helped me solve my biggest problems with the least amount of effort.
  5. It is very challenging to exploit peer-to-peer techniques to make the test servers capable of self-organizing and self-coordinating in the cloud environment with the least management effort.
  6. At the same time, we find least reform effort so far on the indicators we measure.
  7. People choose the paths that gain them the greatest rewards for the least amount of effort.
  8. This fact, combined with the fatal tendency that exists in the heart of man to satisfy his wants with the least possible effort, explains the almost universal perversion of the law.
  9. It is at least a valid effort, and one that you orchestrated so well given the time and communication restraints within our curatorial committee!
  10. This paper aims to study how the instinct for least effort affects the choice of language, and shows that the urgency of an emergency situation causes us to speak with minimum effort.
  11. It is in Asia, moreover, where growth is strongest, where regulatory interference is lightest, and where market share can be gained with least effort: since much of the wealth is new money, challengers are not bumping up against ancient distribution and referral networks.
  12. Its motive is the principle of least effort, while the politeness principle restricts the form of code-mixing in network language.
  13. The Principle of Least Effort and English Pronunciation
  14. English Pronunciation is closely associated with the Principle of Least Effort.
  15. Application of Principle of Least Effort in Cataloguing
  16. Following the relevance theory, man tends to process information and gain cognitive effect with the least processing effort while the whole process of translation contains cognition and communication.
  17. The Application of the Principle of Least Effort in Communicative Strategy
  18. Zipf's Principle of Least Effort.
  19. In the latter part, we concentrate on the relation between the Principle of Least Effort and pragmatics theories.
  20. The analyses show that the occurrence of nominalizations and relative clauses owes to the syntactic configurations available in English and the interplay of the principles of iconic proximity, iconic quantity and Least Effort.
  21. This results in their reluctance to use metaphor to convey meaning, as advocated by the principle of least effort.
  22. To be efficient means to be economical, that is, to exert the least effort to get the most return.
  23. In the last part to the author uses a subtitle translation practice as an case, and analyses this practice with further details by combing with the request of the Principle of Least Effort.
  24. Since George Kingsley Zipf made a first and definite introduction to the Least Effort Principle in 1940, numerous scholars have approached linguistic economy from different perspectives.
  25. The speaker directs the hearer to find the optimal relevance by virtue of the inferential connections that DMs express, and then the greatest contextual effects are achieved with least processing effort.
  26. Optimal relevance is to achieve enough contextual effects by the least processing effort.
  27. On the basis of Relevance Theory, the communicators 'behavior stems from the assumption that an optimal relevance exists, that is, the communicators assume their behavior can create optimal contextual effects with the least effort caused.
  28. This thesis argues that in the practice of subtitle translation, the translator should bear the Principle of Least Effort in mind to make the target language subtitles to achieve the desired effect.
  29. According to relevance translation theory, translation is an ostensive-inferential process, and the principle of translation is to provide enough contextual effects for the target readers so the readers can achieve the optimal relevance with least effort.
  30. In sociology there is economy principle or principle of least effort which directs the behavior of mankind, which promotes people to gain the most benefit with the least effort in communication.



  1. the least effortful way to do something

      Synonym:    least resistance